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I did it. 70 Cupcakes and a cake. In ocean style. You get addicted to frosting cupcakes, I’m telling you. I even developed my own technique (How to make 70 cupcakes as fast and pigsty-free as possible).IMG_4708

So I started off portioning 6 portions of my chocolate cupcake recipe to later combine them with the liquid. It all went perfect. almost perfect. The cocoa powder was a bit hard to open. And so… well… the thing with the pigsty. It didn’t work.


cocoa all over the floor.

Apart from this little accident, I had 6 neat bowls with flour, sugar, bicarbonate and cocoa. It looked so perfect.

preparing chocolate cupcakes


Next step was to bake them one after the other, adding the liquid ingredients to one portion of dr ingredients and baking them in a prepared muffin tin. Six times. (6 x 20 minutes = 120 minutes = 2 hours)

Result: 72 cupcakes.

cupcake love

SO, what’s next? Right: Frosting them. Therefore I prepared a frosting I improvised I bit. I mixed soy milk with some soy milk powder (to form a consistence like a banana shake), added some melted coconut oil and agave syrup. Next I mixed some vegan margarine which should be at room temperature (*Earth Balance, *Alsan) with some sugar in a bowl with an electric mixer and added the soy milk mixture.

The next step was more of an incident but a very cool one, as I later discovered. It made my frosting perfectly shiny and beautiful. I melted one or two tablespoons of the mixture and added it to the rest again, still using the electric mixer. Then I portioned the frosting into three or four… portions and coloured them into different ocean colours.

Frosting cupcakes

Next steps: fun. Frost the cupcakes by placing a bit of the frosting or two different frostings on the cupcake and spreading it with a spoon or spatula. Crush two or three (vegan) oat cookies in a mortar and use them as the “sand”. Make a little mould into the frosting to sprinkle the sand on it and form an isle. Stick a paper umbrella into the cupcake, and tadaaaaa – the perfect cupcake that looks like sun, holidays, beach.

Of course you can let your imagination run free. (Pearls, marzipan fishes/starfishes…)


Beach Cupcakes

Cupcakes (sea, ocean, beach)